Worship and Life Events


Our main act of worship each week is the Choral Eucharist celebrated at 10.30 am every Sunday morning. Other services may be offered during the week in church or via zoom. All who have been baptised in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are welcome to receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion; and all are invited to come forward to receive a blessing. 

Since Easter 2022 Communion has been offered in both kinds again and back at the altar rail. Wine can only be received by sipping from the chalice as intinction is not permitted. However, should you feel more comfortable only receiving the bread then either leave the rail before the chalice is offered or bow your head as it approaches. 

Refreshments after the Choral Eucharist on Sunday mornings are now on offer again and this is a great opportunity to chat and get to know each other.


A Baptism, Wedding or Funeral can be arranged by contacting the Priest in Charge (clergy@stbridesglasgow.org) who, together with our pastoral assistant, is always willing to visit the housebound or those in hospital, offer a listening ear, or (where appropriate) provide practical support.


We use a traditional (and traditional language) form of the Liturgy - the words and prayers, structure and actions of our worship. We believe that this enables a deeper sense of awe and reverence for all who gather for the Eucharist.

The choir takes an important role in our worship, singing a setting of the Mass (the traditional term for the Eucharist) for the the Kyrie, Sanctus and Benedictus, and Agnus Dei. They also sing the Propers, chant the psalm, and sing a motet after communion. We are one of the few churches in the Scottish Episcopal Church to sing the Propers on a weekly basis. 

The altar is censed during the Introit and the gifts and altar are censed at the Offertory. The Presiding Priest sings the Collect, the Sursum Corda and Proper Preface, and the Post-Communion Prayer.