Contact Us

The postal address for the church is:

St Bride's Episcopal Church

69 Hyndland Road


G12 9UX


Priest-in-Charge: The Revd Peter Bradley

Tel: 07543 186 404


People's Warden: Ms Anne Blackwood

Rector's Warden: Vacant

Lay Representative: Mrs Carol Lovett

Alternative Lay Representative: Dr John Davies

North-West Regional Council Representative: Vacant

Pastoral Assistant: Dr John Davies

Sacristan: Dr John Davies


Chair: Priest-in-Charge - The Revd Peter Bradley

Vestry Members: 

Secretary: Mr Jonathan Lord

Tel: 0141 946 5045

Treasurer: Mr Paul Carberry 

Events Committee: Ms Annie Blackwood

Property Committee: Mrs Carol Lovett

Safeguarding Officer: Ms Annie Blackwood

Director of Music: Mr Alan Tavener

Web team:


Car parking on Hyndland Road is often difficult, but slightly easier on Sundays. Nearby side streets offer more parking options but is metered.

First Bus 4 and 4A stop on Hyndland Rd a 5-minute walk from St Bride's. Numerous buses pass along Great Western Rd, which is, again, a 5-minute walk from St Bride's.

By train St Bride's is most easily accessed from Hyndland station. From the station take a 5-10 minute walk up to the top of Novar Drive, which meets Hyndland Rd, turn left and St Bride's is in front of you, across the road. There is a pedestrian crossing for you to use.


From the street there is a step up to the left side (north) porch door, with a portable ramp if required, and inside the porch there is a stair lift for disabled access to the main church. Ask a sidesperson (steward) if you require any assistance, and they will be happy to help you. From the nave there is a step up to the Lady Chapel, which is open to the nave, and a step up to the level, with a portable ramp in place, from which the toilet is reached. The Crypt is fully wheelchair accessible from the street, via the left side rear door, and there are toilets immediately inside this door, including a disabled toilet with baby-changing facilities.

If you cannot manage steps in the church, or get to the altar rail for any reason, communion will be brought to you. This is standard practice, so please ask a sidesperson.