
Most of the windows at St Bride's are of plain, clear glass, including the great west window. On sunny days, these windows allow a great deal of natural light into the church, giving it an air of spaciousness. After Sunday morning Choral Eucharist, there is often a feast of sunbeams streaming into the nave, great shafts of light forming in the clouds of incense.

We have five stained glass windows, all dating from the first part of the 20th century, and all on the north (completed) side of the church:

West end of north aisle: The Marriage at Cana (Edward Woore, 1920, with tracery added by J. Ballantine in 1929).

Lady Chapel: The Nativity (Karl Parsons, 1915); The Sorrowful Mysteries (Herbert Hendrie, 1934).

East end of north aisle, above the sacristy door: Deliverance Through Sacrifice (Edward Woore, 1919).

Chantry Chapel: St Kentigern (J. C. Bewsey, 1921).

There are information leaflets in church, which give more details about the stained glass. Come in, walk around and enjoy the beautiful interior of St Bride's. Choose a sunny day if you can!

The majority of the information on this page is taken from 'A Short History of St. Bride's Episcopal Church, Glasgow' by Helen Ball, 2004.