Music rests at the heart of so much of what we do at St Bride's. The church has been blessed with a wonderful acoustic and it it is heard to great advantage in both our worship (principally Choral Eucharist and Choral Evensong), in the playing of the organ (for both worship and concerts) and in the range of concerts and recitals we host and/or organise throughout the year.
St Bride's created the post of Director of Music in 2019 to reflect the importance of music in the life of our church and Alan Tavener BEM was the first to be appointed to this post. Alan has brought a wealth of knowledge and experience of choral and liturgical traditions to St Bride's and, as we recover from the disruptions of the lockdowns, our choral life is beginning to flourish once more.
We also employ an organist and fund a small number of Choral Scholars each year.
We have a programme of monthly (September - June) organ recitals performances at lunchtimes on the first Sunday of each month; and we have been a major contributor to the West End Festival in recent years.